Friday, October 30, 2015

its been a years...


 fist time aku tulis blog nie pkai phone yg my muchuk bnyak kali nk campak dlm tong sampah...

aku tk menulis kali nie tuk cari gaduh... tphanya tuk menegur...
maaflh klau yg disana atau org yg aku maksudkn terasa. aku bkn jenis outspoken sngt... si muchuk pun bnyak kali marah sbb aku terlalu jga hati org.
tp nk wat mcmna..itu aku...
tp kali nie aku nk tegurlh ckit..aku tk pernah ckp awak musuh sya..malah sya tk pernah tulis ttg awak dkt mna2 laman sosial sya.. malah nma awak pun sya tk thu.. ( see bertapa aku tk cbuk hal kau) tp bla kau tulis my name in your fb or any your social network for me you disturb my privacy.... kau tau tk aku nie jnis mls atau tersangt mls nk ambil thu hal bla tiba2 my frens said you write my name..aku dh terdiam... aku just ckp apa dia tulis.. n my fren pun critalh... aku diam sambil pkir..kau dh knp..psiko apa... honest aku ckp aku ambil psikology as my minor kt uni dlu tp tk pula nk psiko mcm kau...

for your perlu tulis my name in your social network coz idon't like it bcz i'm not singer or actress and for your information i already have my muchuk.. he give me everything and for me it enough.. and i proud to have him..
and for you my little girl..please be matured bcz life not only for today... life is a long please manfaatkn...

for my muchuk..i miss you so much.. please take care of yourself.. and jngn kerja kuat sngt nanti mnje awak risau...